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4 Tips to Prolong your Tan

Summer may be over but it doesn't mean your tan has to be. 

Our personal tips and tricks for a long lasting tan.


1. Water! Water! Water!

Just another reason you need to drink water! Stay Hydrated. Your skin needs to stay hydrated to prevent it from flaking and drying out.


2. Moisturize

Keep your skin soft and smooth. Using lotion protects your skin from shedding by locking in the moisture


3. Ditch Shower Gel and Use Oil

Gel will strip your skin but oil will cleanse and moisturize. We prefer rinsing with coconut oil or olive oil.


4. Stay Clear of…

        Lotions with fruit acids

        Glycol Acid

        Salicylic Acid


        Hair Removal Creams

    ** These remove layers of skin. ( this means your tan)


We would love to hear your tips to preserve the last bits of summer! 

XX -  Round Towel Co. 


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